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How to Control Lust - Zongaroo


We all know the feeling of lust. That overwhelming desire for someone or something. It can be all-consuming, and if we’re not careful, it can lead us down a path of destruction. So how do we control lust? How do we keep it from controlling us? There is no one answer to this question, but there are some things we can do to start gaining control. In this article, we’ll explore some of those things and offer some practical advice for keeping lust in check.

The definition of lust

Lust is an intense feeling of sexual desire. It can be all-consuming, making it difficult to think about anything else. While lust is often associated with physical attraction, it goes beyond just looks. Lust is a strong emotional response that can be triggered by the way someone smells, sounds, or acts.

People often mistakenly believe that lust and love are the same thing. But they’re not. Love is an emotion that develops over time. It’s based on trust, respect, and understanding. Lust, on the other hand, is purely physical. It’s an overwhelming desire for sexual gratification without any emotional connection.

The different types of lust

Lust can be classified into four different types: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Physical lust is characterized by an intense craving for the physical touch of another person. This type of lust is often linked to sexual desire and can lead to infatuation or obsession.

Emotional lust is driven by a need for intimacy and connection. This type of lust can cause people to become clingy or needy in relationships.

Mental lust is characterized by an intense focus on the mind of another person. This type of lust can lead to admiration or idolization.

Spiritual lust is driven by a deep yearning for a connection with the divine or transcendent. This type of lust can lead to religious fanaticism or spiritual obsession.

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The difference between love and lust

Though love and lust may seem similar, they actually differ in many ways. For one, love is usually much more stable and long-lasting than lust. Love is also typically more selfless, while lust is often fueled by selfish desires.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Some people do manage to sustain a passionate, physical relationship for years or even decades. And sometimes love does start out as a purely physical attraction. But in general, love tends to be more than just skin deep, while lust is usually all about surface level attraction.

The psychology behind lust

Lust is a powerful emotion that can sometimes override our better judgment. But what is it about lust that makes it so seductive?

Psychologists believe that there are three key factors that contribute to lust: novelty, arousal and attachment.

Novelty: We are wired to seek out new experiences, and this includes sexual experiences. When we have sex with someone new, our brains release dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward. This helps explain why one-night stands can be so appealing.

Arousal: Sexual arousal is a strong physical response that can be difficult to control. Once we’re aroused, we’re more likely to act on our desires, even if they’re not in our best interests.

Attachment: The emotional bond we form with someone can also influence our level of lust. If we feel deeply connected to someone, we may be more inclined to have sex with them, even if they’re not the most physically attractive person.

Why some people feel lust more than others

There are many reasons why some people feel lust more than others. For some people, it may be because they have a higher libido or because they are more visually stimulated than others. Additionally, some people may feel more lustful because they are in a relationship with someone who is also very lustful, which can create a feedback loop of increasing desire. Additionally, hormones can play a role in how much lust someone feels. Finally, cultural factors can also contribute to how often someone feels lust. In societies where sex is considered taboo, for example, people may feel more lustful because they are constantly thinking about sex and wanting to engage in it.

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The effects of lust

Lust can have many negative effects on our lives. It can lead to infidelity, which can ruin marriages and families. It can also lead to sexual addiction, which can be difficult to overcome. Additionally, lust can cause us to objectify others and view them as nothing more than objects for our own pleasure. This can lead to a disrespectful and harmful attitude towards others, particularly women.

The dangers of lust

Lust is a dangerous emotion that can lead to all sorts of problems. It can cause people to act out in ways that are harmful to themselves and others, and it can lead to addiction and obsession.

Lust is often described as an intense desire or need for something. This can be anything from sex to power to money. And while there’s nothing wrong with having desires, when they become all-consuming they can become dangerous.

When lust takes over, reason and logic go out the window. People may do things they wouldn’t normally do in order to satisfy their lustful desires. This can lead to all sorts of problems, both for the person acting on their lust and for those around them.

Once someone becomes fixated on something they’re lusting after, it can be hard for them to let go. They may become obsessed with it, thinking about it constantly and going to extremes to get it. This can quickly turn into an addiction, which can be extremely difficult – and sometimes impossible – to break free from.

How to control lust

There’s no one answer to the question of how to control lust. Different things work for different people, and what works for you might change over time. However, there are some general tips that can help you keep your lust under control.

Acknowledge that you have a problem with lust. This is the first and most important step in overcoming lust. If you don’t believe that you have a problem, you’ll never be motivated to change.

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Try to stay aware of your triggers. What are the things that make you start thinking about sex? If you can avoid or remove those triggers from your life, it will be easier to control your lust.

Find healthy outlets for your sexual energy. Exercise, creative hobbies, and spending time with loved ones are all great ways to burn off sexual energy and keep yourself from getting too focused on sex.

If you do start thinking about sex, don’t dwell on it. Instead, distract yourself with something else. Focus on a task at hand or engage in some positive self-talk (reminding yourself why you’re choosing to control your lust).

Remember that you’re in control of your own sexual desire. It may feel like it’s overwhelming at times, but you have the power to choose whether or not you act on it. If you can keep that in mind, it will be easier to resist temptation when it comes up.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are tempted to engage in lustful behavior, resist the temptation and focus on something else. Remind yourself of the negative consequences that could result from acting on your desires.

If you are struggling to control your lustful thoughts and behaviors, seek professional help. A therapist can assist you in identifying the root causes of your issues and developing healthy coping mechanisms.


Lust is a powerful emotion that can easily take control of our lives if we’re not careful. Thankfully, there are a few things we can do to keep it in check. By establishing boundaries, staying mindful, and connecting with our spiritual side, we can learn to control lust and live a more balanced life.